
Don’t worry! You’re not alone. Catalytic converter theft is on the rise, and it’s a significant hassle for car owners everywhere. In fact, if your catalytic converter is stolen, then you are in good company with over 500,000 other people in America who have had to deal with this problem last year alone. Here is what you can do when you fall the victim if this trend:

Avoid Driving The Vehicle

While your car will run just fine without a catalytic converter, it is essential to note that you should never drive a vehicle without one. It is dangerous not only to you but also to the environment, as without this component, your vehicle will begin to produce a significant amount of caustic smoke and loud, unpleasant noises.

It is illegal in some states to tamper with a car catalytic converter in any way. Certain conditions have strict emission laws; knowingly driving without a catalytic converter may lead to arrest or payment of hefty fines.

Driving without a catalytic converter may also burn your exhaust system unless you are engine has 50 HP. You may have to replace your exhaust every year or after one and a half years, making it more expensive than installing a new catalytic converter.
Instead, we recommend that you use another car if you have that option until you fix your issue. You could also switch to public transport or car hire until you have your catalytic converter fixed.

Find A Way To Have A Replacement Fixed

You can either use your comprehensive insurance or pay from your pocket to replace a stolen catalytic converter.
Comprehensive insurance coverage can help you settle the replacement cost for stolen car parts, including catalytic converters and other damages resulting from the theft. This, however, will only go up to your coverage limits, less your deductible, the amount you are responsible for paying for an issue covered in your insurance cover.

While the stolen part could only cost a few dollars, resulting damages could inflate the cost, depending on the extent of the injury and the car’s year of manufacture, models, and make.

Most insurance policies will include only after-market parts. For example, to replace an OEM catalytic converter, you require OEM coverage on the policy; otherwise, you will need to settle the difference cost.

There is an insignificant difference between OEM and after-market-part, it only translates on the difference in preferences, and how much one is willing to spend.

You can always contact your insurance provider and inquire about their coverage.

You can always pay out of pocket if you cannot access your insurance for one reason or the other. Various vehicle manufacturers and after-market sources sell catalytic converters. You can always visit your mechanic for reference on the best outlet or have them buy it for you.
As with the insurance, the cost you pay will depend on how and what was removed from your vehicle. Thieves often won’t take time to disconnect the sensors, wires, or mounting flanges; they will pluck the catalytic convertor and dash out.

We recommend visiting your independent mechanic shop for replacements and repairs. They offer several repair options that an insurance provider and car dealership won’t cover. If you are fortunate enough, your favorite dealership can work with the insurance company. Next time you are replacing a catalytic converter, give Fred’s Auto Center in West Haven, CT a call so that we give you the most professional service. (203) 934-7251

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